“Untitled (Constructed Failure)”. 2016. 11” x 8” x 9”. Steel. Formal exploration wherein a structure was created, destroyed, and built on top of in an attempt of visually representing the process of living one’s life.
2016. 7" x 6" x 5”. Steel. Part of series where platonic solids were formed and destroyed creating residues of abuse and violence.
2016. 5” x 5” x 6”. Steel. Part of series where platonic solids were formed and destroyed creating residues of abuse and violence.
“Untitled (Constructed Failure)”. 2016. 11” x 8” x 9”. Steel. Formal exploration wherein a structure was created, destroyed, and built on top of in an attempt of visually representing the process of living one’s life.
2016. 7" x 6" x 5”. Steel. Part of series where platonic solids were formed and destroyed creating residues of abuse and violence.
2016. 5” x 5” x 6”. Steel. Part of series where platonic solids were formed and destroyed creating residues of abuse and violence.